Monday, September 5, 2016

The 10 Best Skin Serums to Erase the Sins of Summer


Even if you bathed in sunscreen, hid under a wide-brimmed hat, and made good use of every shady patch of green, chances are you’ve picked up some incidental UV exposure this summer. And with tomorrow ushering in the unofficial start to fall, there’s no time like the present to do some well-timed damage control. To limit the long-term consequences—hyperpigmentation, fine lines, loss of elasticity, and dryness among them—what you do now is critical in terms of pressing reset for the coming season.

Enter the latest wave of anti-aging sun serums, which, when used in conjunction with a powerful daily SPF, are designed to help speed repair and boost your complexion’s defenses against the elements going forward. Formulated with everything from free radical–fighting antioxidants to collagen peptides, DNA-restoring enzymes, and potent repair boosters, the best breakthroughs worth investing in are rounded up here.


The post The 10 Best Skin Serums to Erase the Sins of Summer appeared first on Vogue.

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