Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Why I Don’t Own a Scale: One Vogue Editor Says Goodbye to the Numbers Game

Illustration by Beth Hoeckler

The topic of weight has been on the minds of many, not only because bikini season is officially in effect, but also because recent events concerning how we talk about weight have brought the subject to the cultural forefront. Earlier this month, for instance, Amy Schumer caused a stir when she proudly announced that she clocks in at 160 pounds during an acceptance speech at an awards ceremony. The moment was remarkable not because of the number itself, but because Schumer so openly shared it—as often as women talk about weight (cue the “I want to lose three pounds” joke from Mean Girls), most of us are intensely private about it.

I can’t tell you my own weight. Not out of some belief in secrecy or etiquette, but out of happily self-imposed ignorance. I don’t own a scale and, generally speaking, avoid getting on one. Allow me to explain: It should come as no surprise to any woman reading this story that true body satisfaction can be hard won. And after spending the better part of my twenties coming to terms with my physical evolution, I’ve learned to recognize a pattern in my self-esteem that’s directly related to the tool of measurement.

One of the many perks of being a beauty editor is that it’s my job to be healthy. Every day is an education in nutrition, empowering me to enjoy a mostly raw, vegan-minded diet and remain blissfully free from yo-yo crash diets. The firsthand research required to uncover new superfoods and fitness classes means that I break a sweat at least once a day to the benefit of my body, mind, and heart rate. But any sense of satisfaction I earn from this lifestyle seems to be subconsciously diminished the moment I step on a scale and see a number I don’t associate with perfection. Similarly, I feel a euphoric surge of confidence if I dip below my self-point weight. Which raises the question: If I’m healthy and happy, then what is this number for?

I’m not alone in this experience. Following almost every challenging workout I’ve attended, I see women head from the barre or bike straight to the scale. “The problem is that our mood and self-worth gets so tied to [that number],” says sports psychologist Nicole Detling, who is called upon by the U.S. Olympic Ski Team (among other professional athletes) to maintain a positive, goal-oriented headspace. “It’s an instant reaction that can affect your entire day.”

Utilized as one of many ways to calibrate health, the scale can be a valuable diagnostic tool in cases of obesity or malnourishment. And it is, admittedly, a proven instrument for those looking to shed or gain a few extra pounds. A recent study published by the Obesity Society showed that people who weighed themselves daily are more likely to consume fewer calories and lose significantly more weight than those who don’t. “[A scale] can certainly keep you accountable,” says Detling. However she is quick to point out that besides being an inaccurate measure of fat loss, weight also fluctuates two to four pounds depending on the time of day or month, as well as internal variables like hormones. “Bodyweight changes with water retention,” adds New York City trainer Key Son, who explains that from morning to night, you may experience a natural increase. (For the most accurate measurement, experts recommend stepping on the scale at the same time every morning, as well as undergoing additional tests for cholesterol, blood pressure, and body fat for a more well-rounded picture of your health).

For the number-averse, something as simple as fitting into a favorite pair of jeans may offer a better way “of gauging progress and giving yourself short-term encouragement,” says Son. To her own clients, Detling only recommends using a scale “if you’re able to see it as one piece of information,” rather than the basis for your self-worth. Instead, she asks them to pay attention to more important details. “How are you feeling? How do your clothes fit? Are you happy?”

I already know from experience that a number won’t tell me whether or not I can swim to a shoal in my favorite river, race my young nephews across a field, and wake up with energy in the morning—and it definitely won’t tell me if I like myself. As long as I can check all of those boxes, I plan on embracing a scale-free life.

The post Why I Don’t Own a Scale: One Vogue Editor Says Goodbye to the Numbers Game appeared first on Vogue.

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