Thursday, November 3, 2016

Should You Run Outdoors If You’re Sick? Ahead of the New York City Marathon, the Experts Weigh In

Photographed by Patrick Demarchelier, Vogue, June 2008

There will be sniffles this Sunday, and not just at the finish line when emotional runners complete the 26.2-mile New York City Marathon, culminating in Central Park. Some racers will develop a cold, or even the flu, by race day—a fact almost as inevitable as the wall of sound on First Avenue. After months of grueling training, qualifying competitions, and heart-pumping speed work, should contenders hang up their trainers or soldier through? And what about other athletes who find themselves with handkerchief in hand this cold season? Here, experts share tips on how to decide whether or not to crawl out of bed this marathon Sunday or any other day when a bug strikes.

Taking Stock of Symptoms
For athletes who find themselves reaching for the tissue box before lacing up their trainers, UCLA professor of orthopedic surgery and sports medicine Dr. Jennifer Beck, M.D., advises a quick evaluation of symptoms. “It’s still allergy season,” she says, “so first try to determine if this is an allergic reaction or a head cold.” A scratchy throat and itchy eyes usually indicate allergies. “The body is more in tune with allergies, and people know how to handle their symptoms,” Beck says, though she advises against taking antihistamines that induce drowsiness, for obvious reasons. At the starting line, “don’t take anything you haven’t before,” she adds.

Using the Neck as a Guide
Once you’ve ruled out allergies, the all-important above-the-neck rule for viruses comes into play. Beck says runners can consider staying in the race if symptoms are limited to the head, and not in the lungs. Though athletes should remember that sinus infections can escalate into pneumonia and respiratory failure with intense exercise. Ball State University professor of athletic training Thomas Weidner has studied runners with head colds and found that rhinoviruses don’t hamper performance. The study green-lights training through a winter cold, but Weidner says the studies focused on moderately fit people doing moderate exercise, warning, “Marathoners would not fit these criteria.”

Treatment Options
If you decide to run, read labels carefully before popping pills. Beck warns that “cough and cold meds often contain multiple drugs, so know what’s being targeted with your selection.” Marathoners need to consider everything that goes into their bodies around race day. Stimulants and anti-inflammatory meds can be more harmful than postnasal drip during a long race, she says. Beck cautions against drugs like ephedrine that can increase heart rate and raise an endurance runner’s kidney damage risk. “I would lean against taking anything; many side effects are worrisome for a marathoner,” she adds. If you’re sick enough to need anything beyond Advil or Tylenol, it’s probably not your day to race.

Throwing in the Towel
If you’re coughing up anything, that’s a red flag, according to Beck. Anything coming from the chest is concerning because you could end up with buildup in your lungs that eventually hampers oxygen exchange, a crucial component of exercise. Beck also advises athletes to draw the line at a fever, which officially means anything above 101 degrees Fahrenheit. “Too much coffee or lots of blankets in bed might give you a 99-degree temperature, but that’s not alarming,” she says. “If you do have a real triple-digit fever, your body is giving you a signal. It’s resting at a higher metabolic rate and can get dehydrated faster.” Athletes who ignore signs of dehydration risk organ failure, and fevers tend to rise even higher with exercise, straining the heart. “And,” Beck points out, “your chances of finishing the race are much lower.” If you settle on a damn-the-torpedoes attitude, at least check the location of medical tents on a race map.

Postrace Recovery
Whether you make it to Central Park or stay in bed, immediately reach for electrolytes and water. Your body is being overworked on two fronts: through extreme training and by fighting an illness. Both are dehydrating. When you’re sick, pre-race hydration and nutrition often lag, so you need nutrient-dense meals and fluids to regain homeostasis. “Sleep becomes important after the race, too,” says Beck, explaining that simple rest is one of the best recovery mechanisms for an overtaxed body.



The post Should You Run Outdoors If You’re Sick? Ahead of the New York City Marathon, the Experts Weigh In appeared first on Vogue.

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