Thursday, July 21, 2016

Workout Gear for Every Shape, So You Look As Good As You Feel

Ashley Graham

The gym is a confrontational place. And a good gym (or class), is one that arbitrates between any number of warring factions smoothly, calmly, and right unto peaceful resolution. The conflicts are many—there’s the main event between your body and your will (the outcome’s anyone’s guess). There’s the matter of a healthy self-regard and the antimatter of those black-hole panorama mirrors. And, ultimately, there’s the confrontation of certain parts of your body with those of others.

It’s inevitable in a yoga class or crowded post-work New York gym. A downward facing dog spreads your particular assets in full view of the fellow stretcher behind you. A boxing class brings your possibly non-Ali arms squishing and collapsing into an instructor’s parrying mitt. And a Daybreaker meet-up that has you high on natural ecstasy, bouncing the morning away, is perhaps too heavy a task for the barely there built-in bra of your tennis tank. Then, of course, there’s anything to do with swim—no further explanation likely necessary. In gymwear (as in bodies), comfort is key, and pride essential, but a certain amount of support and decorum is really just as vital.

The answers to all these problems and more are found (of course) hanging on certain boutique hangers and from some of the smarter hooks in steamy city locker rooms. This, here, is the class of workout gear that lets you feel good about yourself while you’re working out, not just after (endorphins are temporary—good support is forever). Goals are #goals, but no one needs to suffer in the race (or panting slog) to the finish. The best looks to step up your workout game, for every shape, above.



The post Workout Gear for Every Shape, So You Look As Good As You Feel appeared first on Vogue.

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